Men of Issachar Sunday Prayer Breakfast

Men's Prayer Breakfast

On behalf of Men of Issachar (MOI), we extend a personal invitation for you to join us at our Sunday morning prayer breakfast. MOI has faithfully hosted these free buffet breakfasts over the past several conferences, bringing men together in unity for a time of prayer, worship, and fellowship—plus some great food!

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Fire Will Rise Up in You

Chuck Pierce shares a word

In this video, Chuck Pierce sees a new scepter being extended to Aglow, symbolizing a fresh outpouring of purpose and spiritual fire for both women of all ages and men in the coming year.

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Jane Interviews Jen Tringale

Jane interview with Jen Tringale

Jane recently had the pleasure of interviewing Jen Tringale, one of this year’s conference speakers. As this is Jen’s first time speaking at an Aglow event, Jane wanted to give us all a chance to get to know her a little better.

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Things to Do in Dallas!

John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza

One of my favorite things about Aglow International’s tradition of holding our conferences in different cities each year is the opportunity to experience so many new things that our beautiful country has to offer; sites that normally, I would not plan to see. This week, I have received a few recommendations from fellow Aglow attendees…

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Visit Capernaum Studios

Capernaum Set

There is a very universal saying that we are all likely familiar with, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” which came to mind today as I begin to think of things to do in Dallas during our conference this November. However, “When in Dallas…” does not have quite the same ring to it…

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A Conference You Won’t Want to Miss


I stared out the window of my hotel room at the Hyatt Regency Dallas last August as a plane flew across what looked like a backdrop to a downtown city Hollywood set. The sun was just beginning to set leaving a stunning glow across the sides of the skyscrapers leaving me frozen before my window…

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